Bactrian and Indo-Greek Coinage Lysias 4

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Bactrian and Indo-Greek Coinage Lysias 4.1
  • Typ: Bust of Lysias, diademed and draped right, wearing elephant scalp helmet; bead and reel border
  • Porträt: Lysias
  • Legende: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΙΚΗΤΟΥ ΛΥΣΙΟΥ (orientation: ↷) [transliteration: basileōs anikētou lysiou ]
  • Typ: Heracles, wreathed, naked, standing facing crowning head with wreath in right hand, club, palm branch and lion skin in crook of left arm
  • Symbol (Im linken Feld): Bopearachchi Monogram 182 symbol, consists of Π, Η, Δ, and Τ
  • Gottheit: Herakles